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Feature Article
One of the barges used by SpaceX to land the first stage of their boosters on is called Just Read The Instructions. I guess this name comes from the distinct possibility that we all are guilty of “If at first you do not succeed, read the instructions”. The cost of failure varies in direct proportion to the capital cost AND the thickness of the instruction manual and this is one such story. Bear with me as it has a happy ending.
Considering that water is a scarce and valuable resource, the Ertjieskloof dam project is a prime example of an initiative that not only took account of aesthetics, but has also delivered a functional end product that benefits the ecology.
Urbanisation is a significant factor in increasing the size of floodplains and the velocity of floods
Water is a basic human right and an interesting subject for learners in primary and secondary schools
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Groundwater News
At least 13% of South Africa’s water supply stems from groundwater, yet scientists are still unearthing new insight into this precious yet oft hidden resource.