STIAS (Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study) - Stellenbosch University
Russell Martin (WGA - Australia) and Ricky Murray (Groundwater Africa – South Africa)
2,5 days of lectures & course work, half day field excursion and dinner
The training event is registered for “3 CPD” points with SACNASP and “3 CPD” points with ECSA.
The three-day MAR workshop, inclusive of a half day field trip, will guide participants through the pre-requisites for, and technical feasibility of MAR systems for a variety of water sources, aquifer types, and end uses.
The focus of the workshop will be on the key technical issues associated with planning, feasibility assessment, design, construction, operation and performance evaluation of recharge and recovery systems via boreholes and infiltration basins, two of the most common MAR methods applied worldwide.
Policy issues and the relevant guidelines for MAR in Australia and South African will be presented. Case studies from South Africa and Australia will be used to illustrate the key technical issues, performance and scientific considerations that need to be employed to deliver successful, integrated, and sustainable MAR operations.
The world’s leading experts in MAR (from South Africa and Australia) will present the 3 days of detailed training.
Please visit the website for information on the various topics that will be covered during this workshop as well as registration and costing.